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Aquis Equinox

Always running, no matter what

Regulated market grade matching engine with 24 / 7 / 365 continuous uptime

EquinoxMatching EngineMarket SurveillanceMarket GatewaySingle Dealer Platform

High availability - globally

Exceptionally robust and fault tolerant. The Equinox matching engine is designed with standby components ready to automatically take over in the event of a failure

100% uptime

Run your exchange without worrying about downtime. The Equinox Matching Engine is designed to run forever, even during maintenance and upgrades


The system is fully customisable and modular. The core systems can be used for a wide range of asset classes and trading models

Introducing Aquis Equinox

There’s a variety of reasons exchanges choose to utilise cloud technology, including cost, scalability, efficiency and resilience.

Key features

Cost efficient

Provides commercial efficiencies to both existing and start-up exchanges. Reduces the cost of in-house development and staffing

Scalable architecture

Microservices structure easily scales with increased users and throughput


The system is fully customisable and modular, catering to a wide range of exchanges. Supports a broad range of asset classes, open and internal platforms and lit or dark books

Cloud ready

Market pioneering, regulated market grade operability for fast deployment and cost efficiencies while also potentially reducing your carbon footprint


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ISO 27001 Certified

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